Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Break up Kiss

Break up kiss , I wrote this in 2012 ! Most of the story was a fictional. To my surprise, All happened in 2017. It’s not about their last kiss. An epilogue to their relationship.

To respect the bloody, sacrifice chosen ! Here, Who lost is not a matter to any, and  even to the person who lost in this high emotional love story. I call him a fool ! I don’t mean she is an intelligent but definitely fantastic girl!

I want to pen their love story in it’s purest form.


Monday, October 9, 2017

Introduction of "Timmiri"

Choo choo, train horns beside an unusual sound other than regular recorded voice in the railway station. Department announcement, "RPF Staff ! Please attend the Circar express(7644) - ladies compartment". Co-employee reminds to trumpet the name of Timmiri Mahesh, on duty staff.

One more time department announcement, "I repeat RPF SI T Mahesh to attend Circar express"! After switching off the mic. They start to make a comment on Mahesh and his publicity. How crazy he is! Every week at least once he appears on local TV and Local newspaper. Even Our station master or DRM did not get that chance!
Other employee says, "He is worth for it and Hero of Our station". Yes! In coming chapters you will know How worth he is! His potential will be narrated in dynamic way!

It's going to be the best Spy thriller on Indian Railways!

Stay tuned...

Concept and Written by MrVitej
Logo design by Kittu Krishna